Community Safety Tips
Your safety is important. To keep yourself and our community safe, report all incidents.
Studies show that hate crimes against Muslims continue to go underreported and undercounted. It is important for everyone that we aware of dangerous trends. Report all incidents immediately to law enforcement. Each and every incident should be reported.
Do NOT stop yourself from reporting because you feel that an incident is not serious or worthy enough to be recognized. Reporting helps yourself and our community as a whole.
Call AMAC at 1-615-988-6460 or fill out an Incident Report here. You can email for further assistance. Filling out this report also helps AMAC keep track of threats facing the Tennessee Muslims.
For more information about how to prevent and report hate crimes, visit the Department of Justice's website.
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General Safety Tips
An excellent resource for both brothers and sisters from Sound Vision can be found here. We’ve highlighted a few key tips below, and remember: God is our Best Protector.
Trust your Instincts and stay calm.
Be alert and stay aware of your surroundings.
If you sense danger, calmly remove yourself from the situation.
Minimize distractions at all times.
Keep your eyes and ears open and ready to identify any disturbances or anything abnormal.
Keep Your Phone accessible.
Keep your phone charged and nearby at all times, including when walking and in the car.
If it is safe, use your phone to record anything happening.
Communicate YOUR LOCATION.
Your family and/or friends should know where you are.
In the case you are missing, you want your absence to be noticed.
There is safety in numbers.
If you feel like you are in danger, move toward a crowd or an area with people, rather than a secluded area like a bathroom.
Your car can Get you to safety.
If you feel like you are being followed in your car, keep your windows and doors closed, stay calm, keep driving, and drive to the nearest police station.
Additional safety tips for college students:​
Program campus police number into your phone.
Don’t walk alone, especially at night. Call friends, campus escort service or police to accompany you to your home or car.
Tips to Dealing with Verbal Threats
The following tips are meant to contain the situation and keep you safe.
1. Do your best to seem calm and neutral.
Working to appear neutral and non-responsive will help you maintain control over your emotions.
Keep a moderate volume and tone of voice.
Do not physically react in a way that may appear threatening or anxious.
2. Keep control over your emotions.
A bully wants to see that they are affecting you. Do not give them that satisfaction or power.
3. Do not argue or verbally combat them.
They want any excuse to escalate their abuse. A bully wants to see that they are affecting you.
Do not give them that satisfaction or power.
4. If possible, record or take pictures
(unless it will escalate the situation).
Evidence, in any situation, is helpful when it comes to reporting the incident.
5. get away from them as soon as possible.
Especially if they show any signs of escalating the level of abuse, remove yourself from the situation as soon as possible.
6. Talk to friends and families. Seek counseling.
Verbal threats and intimidation can be frightening and alienating.
Do not sit in your feelings alone. Avoiding may lead to additional problems.
Work to process what happened, so you can overcome it and walk away stronger.
Visit our mental health resource pages to seek additional help and support.
7. Report the incident. Try to include this:
When and where the incident occurred
What happened immediately prior to the incident
The specific language of the threat
Physical conduct that would substantiate intent to follow through on the threat
How the threat-maker appeared (physically and emotionally)
Names of others who were directly involved and any actions they took
How the incident ended
Names and contact information (if you are able to get it) of witnesses
Tips to Dealing with Online Threats and Doxxing
The following tips are meant to protect you and your information on the internet.
"Doxxing" is a method of intimidation where an individual's private information is disclosed on the internet and can result in online and real-life harassment, identity theft, and more.
1. Do Not disclose private information online.
If you do not your phone number, address, birthday, social security number, etc. to be available to the public, then do not share it online.
Your photos can disclose information as well. Be wary of what you share online.
2. Be aware that doxxing is real.
To figure out if you have been doxxed, take this quiz. If you are doxxed, you might expereince:
Your loved ones and acquaintances inform you of out-of-character online behavior.
You will notice an increase in online harassment on social media or emails.
You may notice an increase in spam phone calls or harassing phone calls.
You may notice in-person harassment via mail or in real life, based on information published.
3. Maintain safe internet habits.
Set up Two-Factor Authentication for all accounts.
Have different passwords for your accounts.
Change passwords immediately if you encounter a security breach.
Wipe your accounts of personal information.
Erase personal information from the internet with services like Delete Me.
4. If You are doxxed, report immediately.
Report this to platform administrators (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.) immediately.
Record all evidence of doxxing using screenshots and photos.
If you believe that you are in physical danger, contact law enforcement immediately.
Reach out to an attorney if you have concerns about your reputation or safety.
For more ways to get through this, visit these resources from Equality Labs.
Reporting a Hate Crime
If you are a victim of a hate crime or that you witnessed a hate crime, here is how to report:
Step 1: Report the crime to your local or state police.
Dial 911 or call local police station
Call 877-250-2333 or visit​

To Report to Law Enforcement:
Step 2: Quickly follow up this report by reporting the crime to FBI:
Step 3: Find help for victims or witnesses.
Call 855-484-2846 or visit